Ceyana Canoe Club
Notice of Ceyana Canoe Club AGM & Social - Saturday March 22, 2025 7:00 pm
You are invited to Ceyana’s AGM & Social at Lendrum Community Hall (11335 57 Avenue Edmonton).
7-8:30 pm AGM Business & Election of Officers. Position of Member at Large for Rundle Pond is OPEN. Consider filling this position to support Ceyana.
8:30-9 pm Presentation of Trip Leader Awards and Social Time. Voting for Trip Leader Awards closes February 23 Voting Deadline: 2024 Trip Event Awards
In 2025 the Rundle Pond evenings will change format to holding Public Paddling nights to only once a month while all other nights will be Members Only. In addition the pond will be closed until the end of June due to renovation of the paved walkways. There will be no access to the boat storage facility. This will reduce volunteer workload and make the Member At Large job much simpler.
If interested in volunteering for our board, check out the details: Executive Responsibilities If interested & willing, or to nominate someone, please contact President Bruce Milne
It is appreciated if you bring a small dessert to share, but not a requirement to attend.
Registration opens February 22 and closes March 21.
Please register for this event so we can confirm quorum in advance. It assists with attendance records for our Minutes.