Ceyana Canoe Club
This intro' to kayaking on moving water program is for those with basic flat-water skills. This course will teach the moving water skills for paddling kayaks on easy moving water.
The course starts at 9:30am at hermitage pond we will have lunch and spend the afternoon on the river (likely 50th street (Capilano) or Wilfred Laurier park)
On Sunday we will head to an appropriate river depending on flows (Sturgeon, Pembina, or NSR near Genesee) .
Prerequisites: basic kayak skills (forward, reverse, sweeps, low brace), complete multiple wet exits and comfortable upside down, reasonable swimming skills.
Needed gear: fitted kayak with foot rest, paddle, lifejacket, helmet, dry bag, throw bag, bailer/sponge,and nice to haves: wet/dry suit, rain gear, spray deck, neoprene booties.
Transportation: all participants should be prepared to haul their own or a club kayak to the specific location. You can discuss car pooling with fellow course participants
Cancellation: If river is too high, we'll find another July weekend for the majority.
Planned Course facilitator : Homola, Ellen
if you require additional information or can provide assistance with boats please contact ed@ceyana.ca